Go Forth With Heather & Becky

Ep. 38 - Dr. John Freeh: Reclaiming the Culture Through Education



In this episode, Dr. Freeh discusses the mission of the Newman Institute, who they hope to reach and how a classical education can be a tool for evangelization. Dr. Freeh shares with us some inspiring thoughts on the importance of becoming life-long learners and students of the great classics. This episode might make you wish you could stop what you are doing and enroll in these classes at the University of Nebraska! You'll learn how to get involved if you are in the Lincoln area, but if a program like this isn't a possibility for you, we also discuss how to grow in knowledge from the confines of your own home and what books can help you get started! We can't wait to see what this program does for souls at UNL, and the impact it will have on the culture!