Go Forth With Heather & Becky

Ep. 26 - Fr. Robert Matya: Evangelization with Beauty



Join us for episode 26 with our guest, Fr. Robert Matya. Fr. Matya is a priest and vocations director for the Diocese of Lincoln who serves as the pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Church & Newman Center on the campus of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In this episode we talk with Father about the wonderful things happening at the University, including the recent construction of their new building. We discuss the timelessness of the architecture and how the church's beauty has already impacted students. Father is an incredible story-teller, and we enjoyed this opportunity to sit down and interview a priest who has been so influential in our individual stories. This episode will serve as a beautiful reminder that our willingness to say "yes" to the Lord in our lives can yield an immeasurable impact on those around us.