Ham Radio 360

Ham Radio 360: KJ6VU-All About Ham Radio Repeaters….



Episode 10 is here, and chock full of Great Information!  This time KJ6VU, George Z joins us to discuss Amateur Radio Repeaters-the workhorse of the hobby! With nearly 40 years of repeater building under his belt, he is a fountain of knowledge to be drawn from. George, KJ6VU is heavily involved with the Bay-Net Amateur Radio Club and Repeater Network, in the SF Bay Area of California. Bay-Net is an open amateur radio repeater system providing wide-area coverage for public service events and emergency communications. All radio amateurs are welcome to use the system. The system includes 2m, UHF and 900 MHz linked analog repeaters, a D-Star digital repeater, Echolink, and IRLP VOIP services. He is also part of the continuing innovation of Ham Radio through his company Sierra Radio Systems.   From Micro &  Remote Station Controllers to Repeater Site Controllers and Monitoring Systems Sierra Radio Systems works to further advance the Amateur Radio Hobby. You'll be hard pressed to pack more Repeater Knowledge