George Digianni Health And Wellness

Omega 3 & Vit D Facts



In 2017 there were nearly 2,000 conflicting news stories on omega-3 & vitamin D. 2000!!    I now know why people want to give up believing sups work. Who benefits from sensational stories?    1.     An estimated 1 billion people worldwide are vitamin D deficient (   2.     41.6% of adults in the US are vitamin D deficient (   3.     Only 1 in 10 Americans – whether children or adults – are getting sufficient vitamin D.   4.     Vitamin D interacts with over 30 different tissues in the body and affects 1,000-3,000 of your 30,000 genes.   5.     When selecting your vitamin D supplement, choose the D3 form – it’s 87% more effective than the D2 version.   6.     Omega-3 deficiency causes up to 96,000 preventable U.S. deaths per year, making it the 6th leading cause of death according to Harvard researchers.   7.     The ideal ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 is 1:1, but unfortunately, omega-6 fa