George Digianni Health And Wellness

Herbs vs meds-anxiety, depression, heart health



David Foreman, R.Ph., “The Herbal Pharmacist” Website:​m​ David Foreman RPh, is a pharmacist, author known nationwide as, “The Herbal Pharmacist.” Foreman’s career as a registered pharmacist gives him the foundation to now impart his expertise in physiology, pharmacology and integrative medicine to educate consumers on cutting edge approaches to natural health and healing. His shift from traditional pharmacist to herbal pharmacist was based on his belief that education is the key to understanding that natural health plays a vital role in mainstream medicine and ​is the ​author of, “4 Pillars of Health: Heart Disease A famous Harvard study finds our minds negatively wander about 50 percent of the time​, after ​analyzing the mind​ ​worry-based​ ​wandering affects on happiness​s​ of 2,250 adults​ the stress that results from this type of mind wandering can lead to digestive disorders, short-term memory loss, premature coronary heart disease, heart attacks and despair. Harvard Study: A W