

In this podcast, I get to interview the inspiring Melinda Wittstock about the money mindset that helps her be successful.  Melinda is a serial entrepreneur in media and tech, and an award-winning journalist and host of the acclaimed podcast for female entrepreneurs, WINGS of Inspired Business.  In this episode we are discussing:  Why you want to upgrade your money mindset What money habits will help you succeed Why we want to see more female entrepreneurs succeed  Her moonshot is to invest $10mm+ in 10 years in female-founded businesses and catalyze an ecosystem where women help each other to change the game of business with conscious, evolved leadership. Melinda is also the founder and CEO of the social intelligence business Verifeed, her fourth business, and her career as a TV host and journalist spans the Times of London, CNBC/MSNBC, ABC News, The Guardian, Financial Times and the BBC. She is a mom to two wonderful kids and a golden retriever. Get your DNX guide "7 secrets to success … NOW! We rev