Journal Theory

05: Journaling 101- Redefining the Practice



Do you feel like you understand the purpose of a journal? Maybe you don’t know how to journal, why you should do it, or really don’t have an affinity for writing. Well…. it may not be what you think. I hit up the Google and looked for a general definition of “journaling.” Here is what I found: Journal: noun jour·nal \ ˈjər-nᵊl \ : a record of experiences, ideas, or reflections kept regularly for private use Notice anything in there that says this needs to be some deep, dark, written documentation of your inner most secrets? Nope. Guess what? Journaling can be whatever you want it to be. It’s a common conception that it needs to be this diary of thoughts you don’t want anyone to know about. It is meant to be for you and and can be intimate, but it doesn’t need to be just that. The biggest reason WHY you should journal is to relieve your mind of all the thoughts floating around. This makes room in your head for ideas to generate, flow and conceptualize. Writing these thoughts down also puts them into motion. I