Journal Theory

04: I’ve been influenced. The TOP people who have helped my Growth Journey



I can pinpoint some of the exact moments that changed the trajectory of my personal growth journey. It began with a breakup, followed by a career shift and then a book. Yes, a book. It all started with a meltdown about money, which lead to a friend gifting me this book. That book changed everything for me. I took a look back and identified some major players that have influenced me and my mindset … in a positive way… over the past few years. Here they are:   Dale Carnegie: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (aka THE book) This was the book that lead me down a path of a complete mindset shift.  The message is incredibly simple and some of it reads as common sense, but for someone like me who use to stress over everything – this is a must read. I won’t ruin it for you in case you do read it, but the biggest piece I took away from this book was this: Most of the things we stress over and worry about, never come to fruition. Think about it!? How much of the stuff that is consuming you and filling you with drea