Journal Theory

03: Toxic Relationships, Breakups & 20-Something GROWTH | with Shelby Bisaccio



If being in your 20s is not a clusterf*ck. You’re doing it wrong. Okay, I’m totally kidding!! But I do think that many of us can look back on a point in our 20s and say, man… that was messy. The beautiful thing about these times in our lives is that they can produce some really incredible transformations. I sat down with one of my good friends Shelby over a glass of wine on my living room floor and we talked about it all: break-ups, our careers, our 20s, having kids, growing up through chaos and… plucking our eyebrows. The story I want to share with you today is that of toxic relationships. There are two types of people who come from a result of toxicity: those who get poisoned and their outlook on the world becomes tainted, and those who see the situation as a learning experience and choose to grow. Shelby is one of the latter… Shelby and I just so happened to go through really tough breakups at the same time. This was where our friendship truly began to bud…   Immediately after the breakups we both felt the