Journal Theory

01: There’s a theory…. My theory.



Hola. I’m Jordan Thomson, the creator of this wonderful little world I’d like to introduce you to… Journal Theory. I believe that some of the most impactful stories, inspiration & lessons to be learned come from everyday women. I myself, am somebody who enjoys being an open book. I like to put my emotions out there and where my heart on my sleeve. Its who I am. At times, I can even be a bit of an emotional exhibitionist! Now, I realize that not everybody is like that. I recently had taken a look at my own social circle and my closest friends and realized that each one of them had a very unique story. Each woman had gone through a major life event that was a really big part of their life; miscarriage, divorce, infertility, career change, marriage, death of a parent, the list goes on. What I found interesting was that these were incredible stories… and they were virtually untold. Now, I realize it may not become natural for everyone to put their story out there for the world to hear. So, it lead me to wanting t