Journal Theory

08- What if CELEBRATION was the key to stop SABOTAGING your goals?



How important is to celebrate all the little wins in your life? It can be the difference between achieving all of your goals… or not. If you’re like me, you have have these lofty goals for yourself and your life.. which is great! These goals help create a clear picture of what we want 1 year, 5 years, or 20 years from now. But what often happens is we look at the end goal and the end goal only, and we only see how far away we are from that dream reality. It can be discouraging. So, what do we do? Its important to keep that BIG goal in mind- write about it, daydream about it, visualize it, breed that feeling into existence. But it’s also important to keep in mind that all of your dreams are not going to manifest overnight. You’re not going to wake up in your own mansion, marry the love of your life, drive your dream car and making millions of dollars from passive income at the snap of your fingers- that just doesn’t happen that quickly. It can and will happen if you allow it, but just know that a lot of little