Kevin Whitsitt

What is Pinterest? How Does it Work for Business.



Click on the link below to discover tools and special methods that can easily double your affiliate sales. Hello, today I'm going to be talking about what is pinterest how does it work for business. Click on the link below to discover tools and special methods that can easily double your affiliate sales. I just took a course in Udemy for Pinterest for business and I've been consuming so many YouTube videos about the platform, so I just want to share some of the basics about it and a few ideas I feel can really help you. Pinterest is big. 70% of people use Pinterest for inspiration on what to buy compared to 17% on Facebook. Pinterest is responsible for 41% of all ecommerce traffic driving more that twice as much as Facebook. What is pinterest? It's an online social media company that allows you to share videos and pictures online. What makes it unique is that you can create boards and pin things to those boards. That is the simple definition and t