Galactic Inspiration

Galactic Inspiration Podcast # 10 - Think



Think positive thoughts! It is easy to say that but is it easy to make it part of your daily routine? Most of us have brains that can have millions of thoughts a day and many of those are not always in our best interest. It is important to realize when you are thinking about things that are not aligned with your higher purpose. Since we are beings that can learn, a rubber band could become your best friend and it can also help you take your life to the best level. Most people have negative thoughts all day long. If you are a very positive person and optimistic, most of the time you will look like a weirdo. And that would be great. You would look like a weirdo in comparison to a few monkeys/people who are so scared of say what they think that they stay back.. and when they all do the same they become sort of like a team agaisnt those who think differently. Do not let other peoples negative thinking affect yours. Stay positive.! Yes you can make your dreams come true YES YES YES So get a rubber