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ACHIEVE RADICAL IMPROVEMENTS ONE SMALL STEP AT A TIME! CJ Liu & Michael Sandler | Health | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to shift your life or reach a special goal, then do we have the 1% better show for you. Today we’ll talk about chipping away, making small gains, and seeing the brilliance in the tiniest improvements. One Percent Better Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: How greatness can come out of polarity and changing times! What we can learn from Dr. Joe Dispenza on mass consciousness shifts? What it means that everything is energy – and what that means about shifting our lives? What can be done with intention with massive groups? What Sir Meowsers does after he reads the papers? What we can learn from Michael’s bicycle racing? What does it really mean to be one percent better? What does it mean to redefine a win? What can we learn from getting lost? What can we learn from Dr. Mario Martinez about being in congruence with your words? What does honor have to do with anything? What’s the benefit of working hard and focusing on something? What it means that the downhill is the uphill and