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HOW TO DO SOMETHING REALLY BIG & BOLD!! CJ Liu | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Improvement | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to do something really big in life, but been scared out of your mind, then do we have the when entering miracle country, step forward into your fears anyway, scare yourself silly show for you.  Today we’ll talk about leaning into butterflies, stepping into fear, and why what doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger. Big & Bold Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:  How Michael and Jessica moved to Colorado What the journey was like? What was the fear they had to overcome? How did they set up the journey? Why did they choose to do so much of it on their own? What did they learn from the journey? What surprised them out on the road? How is one rewarded for going big with the Universe? Why does one want to shoot very high? What’s the importance of coming unmoored or cutting the chords with the past? Why does one want to challenge themselves? What are the positive outcomes of shooting really, really big? How have Michael and Jessica been settling into Colorado? What hav