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HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR BRILLIANCE & RECLAIM THE LIGHT WITHIN!!! Arielle Ford | Debbie Ford | Health | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to heal your heart and discover your greatness, then do we have the YOUR HOLINESS show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Arielle Ford, best-selling author and the sister of Debbie Ford, a brilliant beacon of light, light-post for all, and the author of many beautiful books including a true master-piece on prayer and a new favorite of mine, Your Holiness. And that’s just what I want to talk with Arielle about, about the power of prayer, and discovering the light within. Your Holiness Self Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: How did James Van Pragh help your sister Debbie Ford reach you after her passing? What did she initially ask you? How did you eventually say yes? How did Debbie Ford transform from a lifetime of hard drugs? What has the power of prayer meant for Debbie Ford? What does it mean that Debbie Ford Chose holiness? How do we see beyond our current situation? What’s a shift and how does one come about? What’s the importance of being humble for a shift? What does it me