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WHY YOU'RE NOT YOUR DNA & WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU!!! Dr. Ben Lynch | Health | Fitness | Epigenetics | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever with health challenges that just won’t go away, then do we have the Dirty Genes show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Ben Lynch, naturopath extraordinaire, an expert in epigenetics and the author of a phenomenal new book on flipping on the good stuff, and flipping off the bad, Dirty Genes. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about a breakthrough program to treat the root cause of illness, and optimize your health. Dirty Genes Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include:   What are dirty genes? What does it mean that every day our genes are writing a document about our health? What are the genetic factors behind disease? Are these genetic factors unchangeable? What are the 7 dirtiest genes? How do we begin switching off our dirty genes? What does it mean to soak and scrub our genes? What is MTHFR and why is it so important? What do we need to know about pregnancy and dirty genes? Why is methylating so important? What do we need to know about our genetic profile?