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HOW TO BE OKAY WITH NOT BEING OKAY! CJ Liu | Health | Fitness | Mindfulness | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever struggled with family, emotions, time or being on top of your game, how to be okay with not being okay show for you. Today we’ll talk about being extra-kind and gentle to yourself, even when you’re struggling, far from your best, or melting down with the super-moon. How to Be Okay Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:  What has happened to people from the Super Moon and after the Super Moon. What happens when negative emotions come up? What do we do when we internally berate ourselves? What do we do with negative self-talk? What does it look like to give yourself unconditional love? How can unconditional self-love help ourselves? What it means to focus on the connection of Heaven and Earth? How do we go looking for any internal work we have to do? What’s the importance of not judging yourself for the moment (even if you’ve melted down) What does it mean to be kinder and more loving to oneself? What is the stillpoint – and why does CJ want to learn more about it? What can we learn abou