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HOW TO ROLL WITH THE PUNCHES FOR THE HOLIDAYS…OR DUCK & COVER! CJ Liu | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever felt things going off track, off-kilter, or even just slightly awry, then do we have the roll-with-the-punches show for you! Today we’ll talk about getting back on track, on center, and rolling with whatever comes your way, even, or especially when the sky is falling. Roll with the Punches Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: How to manifest a car. What are kind-gentle-easy-good ways to get healthy. How to improve your health and wellness over the holidays What Michael’s holiday healthy-food protocol is What is addiction really? What can we do with the energy trying to move through the body? How to move past the stress of the holidays How to roll with the situations that take place in our lives? How to be more pro-active when the best-laid plans are blowing apart How to move past energies (tai chi) that are coming our way Why you don’t want to fight your experiences What it means to be with your experiences What Michael is looking to do with a ghost-writer or editor coming up What’s