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THE SECRET TO GOAL SETTING & THE LAW OF ATTRACTION! CJ Liu | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to achieve anything really big, or even REALLY small, then do we have the goal-setting, law of attraction, show for you! Today we’ll talk about the power of goals, how to set them, why you want to set them now (particularly just after thanksgiving) what they look like, why they’re so important, and how to use them the kind-gentle-easy-way toward your success. Law of Attraction Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What’s the importance of goal setting for the holidays? What’s the magic behind the power of goal setting? What does goal setting have to do with the law of attraction? Do your goals need to be specific? What is a good way to drill down to your goals? What does momentum have to do with goal setting? Why the darkest days are the best for planting seeds. What are Michael’s goals for his life and the show for the coming year? How Michael is working to manifest his goals with the law of attraction. Where visualization comes into play and what that looks like? What’s the p