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HOW TO SURF YOUR EMOTIONS & COME OUT SMILING!!! CJ LIU | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire



Today we talk about passion, creativity, and overcoming challenges. We look at how to find more passion in your life, and ways to overcome hardship, and adversity. And perhaps most of all we look at how to move past anger, frustration, and stress, in times of great change! In essence, we look at aligning yourself with whatever makes you shine the most – especially if your son is headed off to college. The Power of Creative Angst Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What is squirrel on crack on a mission energy? What is “Go Time”? How to call in our guides for guidance? What does fear and anxiety have to do with motion? What does creative angst have to do with our day-to-day lives? What do barriers (such as in running) have to do with anything? What’s the importance of having a big goal or target? What’s the importance of individuation and riding your own bike? What does spinning class have to do with spinning? What can we learn from the different phases of life – particularly with young children Wh