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HOW TO FIND THE COURAGE TO LIVE YOUR MOST DARING AUTHENTIC LIFE! Dean Karnazes | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Self-Help



If you’re looking for more inspiration and motivation in your life, then today’s show is for you. Dean Karnazes wasn’t fit for a desk-job, though he tried to make the most of it. But he knew he wasn’t living an authentic life, and he knew his sister, who died tragically at 18, wanted something more for him. And after years of trying to fit in, and live the American dream, he finally cracked. And at thirty ran away from it all, or ran to his new life. A life filled with running and adventure, and the courage to live his greatest dream. This interview, sharing Dean’s story of how he got where he is today, one of the most elite, and well-known runners in the world, and one of Time Magazine’s 100 most influential people, will inspire and motivate you to chase your biggest dreams, and live your most daring, authentic, life. And we’ll look at the daring journey of Philippides, the man behind the marathon, who changed or saved the course of history through two epic runs. And the Spartathalon, a 153 mile race from At