George Digianni Health And Wellness

Positive Thinking Won't Change Your Life unless it's followed by action.



Are you or your partner sabotaging your success? Weight loss, belief systems, and daily action steps for life-long success. David Essel has worked as a counselor since 1992 and has a #1 bestseller called “Focus! Slay your goals In his new book, David talk about the story of Evelyn – who created a powerful and persevering mindset, with powerful daily action steps that made her lose 240 pounds. David says, the odds of persevering through the challenges, will not be on your side if your program is not put in writing, with specific days and times that you’re going to exercise, specific days and times that you’re going to eat your clean meals, specific days and times. We discuss  overcome procrastination and negative thinking Find out why the key to long-term success is based upon learning how to deal with emotions in life! Get focused with an accountability partner.  When it comes to achieving goals does the subconscious mind sabotages our success? Regardless of your desire, money, weight los