Thinking Beyond: Conversations With Strategic Thinkers With Dr. David Flint

#18: Mark and Bethany Douglass Part II—V-REEL for the Whole Family



In Part II of my conversation with Mark and Bethany Douglass, we talk about how the L in V-REEL, Longevity, helps them carry out their family mission statement— training their children in an atmosphere that seeks creativity, education, and fosters the entrepreneurial spirit in their kids.  Bethany is quick to point out that as a family, they apply V-REEL to more than business/financial decisions. It also works with abstract and emotional goals and helps the kids better understand who they are. Both creative thinkers, Mark as an executive with Fidelis Creative Agency, and Bethany as a popular lifestyle blogger, this couple has a lot to teach all of us about strategy for business and for life.