Living With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

LwOCD 062: Therapy Session 4



In this episode Julie and Andy continue to talk about Julie’s therapy sessions. The topic of conversation focuses on perfection versus imperfection and how these two things drive and threaten all Julie’s behaviors either consciously or unconsciously. Painful memories are relived as Julie shares stories of her childhood but through that reliving she learns how to look at happenings in a different and new, less painful way. We all want to be loved for our intrinsic worth and not for what we do or how we act and this is something that Julie has struggled with her whole life and goes into more detail about in this episode. The discussion then turns to a book Julie has been reading over the past year called Present Perfect by Pavel Somov. She talks about the first chapter and how just reading the first few pages gave her great hope and encouragement that her perfectionism does not have to be a lifelong sentence but can be something that spurs her on to live in a different and new way.