Living With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

LwOCD 038: Jennifer and Cade Interview - Part 1



In this episode Andy and Julie welcome Jennifer and Cade to the show. Jennifer has OCD and Cade is her fiance. The conversation concentrates on Jennifer's story this week with Cade sitting in to add his thoughts and comments. Jennifer shares how her OCD is mainly of the Pure O type and how this has presented difficulties for her over the course of her life. She talks about being in education and how this added to the stress of her OCD. She describes what her therapy experience has been like and how CBT as well as different medications have aided in her recovery process. Julie and Jennifer discuss the impact of family on OCD and how being around loved ones can often exasperate their OCD symptoms. The first part of this interview is one of hope and perseverance despite the lifelong difficulties of suffering from OCD.