Living With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

LwOCD 034: Nicky Interview - Part 1



In this episode Julie and Andy welcome Nicky to their show. Nicky is the mother of Charlotte who was a guest a few weeks ago. Charlotte also participates in the interview with her mother and the result is an interesting perspective on OCD and the family dynamic. Julie and Nicky talk about Charlotte's childhood and what she was like growing up. They talk about her diagnosis and how that made Nicky feel as a mother. The sibling dynamic is also discussed as well as how Charlotte managed as a teenager and how she always sought perfection in school and was never satisfied no matter how well she did. There is a lot of laughter in this episode and the importance of open communication and the support of family and friends in the life of an OCD sufferer is emphasized. This is the first part of Nicky's interview and is one that is sure to be extremely helpful for any co-sufferer seeking to help and support someone in their life with OCD.