Living With Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

LwOCD 029: Interview with Charlotte - Part 1



In this episode Andy and Julie welcome their first international guest, Charlotte to the show. Charlotte is an English student living in France and openly shares her story of living with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Charlotte talks about how at it's worst her OCD has made her clean her room for 3 or more hours a day and also how recently she made the very difficult decision to drop out of University in order to get a handle on her OCD. She talks about her family life and how two serious accidents involving her brothers caused her OCD to become much worse. She shares her past negative experiences with therapy and also her experience with a new therapist who she has really been able to connect with. They discuss what medications Charlotte has been on in the past and is currently on and which ones have helped her. Some specific stories of obsessions and compulsions are also shared that give listeners a glimpse into Charlotte's world. This first part of a two part episode is a must listen.