San Marcos Unitarian Universalist Fellowship

August 12, 2018 "Hurry Up and Wait" Minister Krista Weber Huang



Sometimes life comes in fits and spurts. We’ve worked and pushed and focused nearly to the point of exhaustion and then suddenly we’re left waiting, feeling like nothing is happening. But is waiting really that passive? Let’s explore together this Sunday how we can make the most of this often frustrating rhythm of life as our new minister, Krista Weber Huang, introduces herself before going on maternity leave.  Krista Weber Huang is our new minister! She'll be with us for the month of August then out on maternity leave, returning December 1st. She is a UU Candidate for Ministry and Meadville Lombard graduate who recently spent a year working as a Resident Hospital Chaplain in San Antonio, TX. She considers herself a life long learner who is excited by exploring how different disciplines intersect and how we can live out our UU values on a daily basis. In her free time she plays cooperative board games, engages in various forms of art and movement, and is a science fiction/fantasy fan. She and her spouse are