Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 061: Michelle Loretta: How Get the Most Out of Attending Conferences



If you’ve ever thought about attending a live event or conference, it can get quite overwhelming trying to decide amongst the many events taking place. And given the costs involved for things like tickets, flights and hotels - not to mention the time away from work and family - it can be quite a financial investment. So how can you ensure that you’re getting the best return on your hard-earned dollars when deciding which conference to attend? In this episode, Michelle Loretta, the organizer of the Be Sage conference, and I are sharing our best tips on how you can go about deciding which conference to spend your hard earned dollars on. We’re talking about how to do your research, what you should be doing before, during and after the event, and even some savvy tricks on how you can start budgeting to attend that conference you’ve been eyeing.  To learn more and get the show notes, visit: