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WHY YOUR PERFECT JUST AS YOU ARE!!! CJ Liu | Michael Sandler | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to feel better, let go of stress, and stop the striving, then do we have the free from concern, you’re perfect just as you are, show for you. Today we’ll talk about how you’re perfect, why you’re perfect, and how, even though this is a self-help show, you don’t need to fix a thing! Perfect Just as You Are Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: What is getting crazy in the Whole Foods Parking Lot? What storm news can do to us? What’s the difference between a survivor and a barbeque-r? What it means to lean into your fear? What does it mean to be perfect just as it is? What’s the most important question you can ask someone else? What it means that we’re all connected – in particular parent and child? What is Lynn McTaggart’s Power of Eight group intention work How Jessica ended up on the show? What does it mean to relax into things? What can we learn from Jim Carrey and Andy Kaufman? What does it mean to have the God within ourselves? What does it mean to let go of all of the wo