Concordia Adult Bible Class

The Me I Wan to Be: Why We FAIL



In Ephesians 4 and 5, Paul outlines four sins that cause us to FAIL: Falsehood, Anger, Idleness, and Lust. What is the solution to overcoming such enticing sins? Should we strive harder? No! Paul says we should “Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (verse 24). We should put on Christ. For when we do, we receive the PRIZE he has for us: Rather than lies, we receive God’s Purity; rather than anger, we live with Rejoicing; rather than sitting around idle, we live with Intentionality; rather than lusting after others, we live with Zeal toward God, and, finally, Christ ushers us into Eternity. Over the next five weeks, we will unpack each of these items and discover how Christ’s power overcomes our sinfulness with his righteousness!