Aprende Ingles Con Inglespodcast De La Mansión Del Inglés-learn English Free

Urban slang and more mispronounced words - AIRC103



If you are a new listener to this award-winning podcast, welcome! With over 40 years of teaching between us, we'll help you improve your English and take it to the next level. In this episode: we're going to help you expand your Urban slang vocabulary and practise more mispronounced words Más podcasts para mejorar tu ingles en: http://www.inglespodcast.com/  More podcasts to improve your English at: http://www.inglespodcast.com/  More mispronounced words inglespodcast.com/94 ( http://www.inglespodcast.com/2016/03/28/commonly-mispronounced-words-airc94/ ) dubbed - doblado nurse - enfermera surgeon - cirujano judge - juez, juzgar patient - paciente lively - animado/a, alegre sociable - sociable beard - barba moustache - bigote chemist - farmacia, farmacéutico/a / chemistry - química butcher - carnicero/a weird - raro/a, extraño/a (That's weird! - ¡Qué raro!) 'He's a wierdo' mechanic - mecánico cough - tos, toser headache - dolor de cabeza drought - sequía (flood - inundación ) hitch hiking - autostop, a dedo I