Free Your Inner Guru

Will the World Wake Up to the Need for Conscious Leadership?



Laura Tucker is a leadership coach and the host of the Free Your Inner Guru™ Podcast.  In a reversal of roles, Laura shares her thoughts about Conscious Leadership in an interview with Nina Grenningloh Reyes of Communications Rebel and Radio Regent’s The Women’s Hour. Highlights from this episode: “Initially the podcast was about me having a voice.  I spoke about things like survivors guilt and the healing journey.  As it has evolved, I’m having people on who I consider to be conscious leaders for interviews.  I want it to be a soft landing place for people to come and hear what an authentically conscious, not ego-based leader looks like, sounds like, feels like.” “You don’t need to go to a retreat to become a conscious leader.  You may benefit from a day, a week, a retreat or a workshop to carve the time out the time in your busy life for reflection or learning.  The real growth comes from how well you integrate the learning back into your life.” “In this day and age we are all being shown examples of mor