Outstanding Authors

Ken Reed: Outstanding Author



Book: How We Can Save Sports: A Game Plan - available for purchase on Amazon.Author:Dr. Ken Reed is the sports policy director of League of Fans, an organization dedicated to reforming sports at all levels of society.  Follow him on Twitter at KenReedLofF.Conversation:Total run time: 50:560:01 - introduction0:51 - Ken's background and involvment with League of Fans8:05 - taxpayer funded stadiums11:33 - concussions and CTE21:18 - fighting in hockey24:13 - lack of opportunity in youth sports28:55 - coaching and empowering athletes37:44 - college sports and the NCAA46:45 - possibility of a National Sports Commission50:08 - epilogueYour browser does not support this audio The embedded player works best in Google Chrome.  You can also download the mp3 by clicking here, and the podcast is available in iTunes.  And my apologies for the faint clicking noise in the background -- shall I blame Garageband or an infestation of crickets in the MacGyver Project studios?!