Define Your Purpose With Estela

Episode 32: Focusing on Community Instead of Competition



I find that when we as content creators are in the process of growing we begin the comparisonitis of other content creators. As influencers, we naturally gravitate towards focusing on what other content creators are doing instead of focusing on our own audience & tribe.   We are spending too much time & energy on scrolling & engaging with the “competition” or creators. When building your tribe & community, you need to find your purpose & reason why you are sharing your content.   We need to communicate, engage & share aspects of our lives with our community. It is so important to be authentic & organic with our tribe. They need to see us & engage with us more.   I challenge influencers to network, support & collaborate with other content creators while building their community. In doing so, you will see how your community will grow organically. When you genuinely support, engage, comment & share another content creator’s work you are building up their community & tr