The Wade Alters Show

How To ‘Game’ Your Social Media Followers And Seduce Your Audience with Mitch Miller



I’ve been working on my social media calendar for the upcoming year and I’ve been going deep into what separates crazy high-engagement posts (150 - 1,000 likes) from those with very little (2-5). And as I’ve been looking at influencers who are really killing it right now, it’s funny how stupidly similar being an influencer is with having good game. People who get no likes or comments have personalities that are very similar to that of ‘The Nice Guy’. They play it safe, they’re boring & vanilla, and they’re subconsciously communicating they want validation (“likes”) from their followers. ...Similar to guys who give off a needy vibe. The truth is, if you want to succeed on social media, you HAVE to be polarizing. Unapologetic. Unreactive. And outcome independent. There’s no room for people who don’t stand out. Being normal is making you invisible. My good friend, Mitch Miller, created a 7-Figure business through only doing 3 Facebook status updates for 4 straight years. He used Pickup Principles that men us