The Wade Alters Show

F*ck Growth: How Self-Help Sabotages Results



Yo, how badly do you want to crush it? One thing I loved about being a Dating Coach was how far guys pushed their comfort zones. There was a bootcamp one night in NY, at Brass Monkey, when one of my students got SO in state that he was made out with 13 girls straight. And not like a creepy type of make-out (sometimes guys force themselves onto girls). These girls were loving it. And he didn’t say ANYTHING.   He was going up to them and within 30 seconds he was passionately making out with them. Purely off of eye contact, how he carried himself, and the energy he had. It’s what made Pickup & Cold Approach so rewarding. Instant feedback and getting results. The ability to adjust, learn and do it better next time. But it gets a little more blurry in the “real world”... Everything else lacks the solid structure that ‘game’ has. … OR so that’s what most people think. The reason most guys fail at business, dating and their career is because of the comfort zone trap. They know they should take-action, but they’r