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HOW TO TAKE YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS TO A WHOLE NEW LEVEL!!! Oren Jay Sofer | Health | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire



If you’ve ever wanted to communicate better than do we have the Say What You Mean show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Oren Jay Sofer, retreat and workshop leader on mindful communication, a member of the Spirit Rock Teacher’s Council, and the author of a beautiful new book on mindfulness and non-violent communication skills, Say What You Mean. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to find your voice, speak your truth and listen deeply. Say What You Mean Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: What was Oren Jay Sofer’s early life like, and the trauma he experienced? How did he turn to India and Buddhism? What was Oren’s fascinating with language? What did Oren learn from Thich Nhat Hanh? What is Thich Nhat Hanh’s “right speech”? What is non-violent communication? How’d the idea to bring meditation to non-violent communication? What is somatic experiencing? Why does kindness often disappear in conversation? What is mindful communication? How does mindfulness give us