Coach Corey Wayne

I Walked Away & Got Her Back!



How to properly walk away and never look back after being dumped by your significant other so they contact you later on down the road to give them another chance. In this video coaching newsletter, I discuss an email success story from a viewer who originally found my work after getting dumped by the woman of his dreams over a year ago. He thought everything was going great, but then he came home one night to a “Dear John” type of letter dumping him. He contacted her once and told her what he wanted as I discuss in my video, “The Best Strategy To Get An Ex Back.” He then went back to dating other women and walked away. A few months later she contacted him out of the blue. They have been together ever since. She is head over heals in love with him. They are going to be moving in together soon so they can start their new life together. He shares what he did and said to get her back and how he permanently changed his beta male mindset into an alpha male mindset that continues to pay dividends.