Telling The Story

66. Persevering as a parent while powering through at work



Since I began telling people my wife was expecting our first child, I received a familiar piece of advice from acquaintances and colleagues: "Welp, say goodbye to the next 20 years!" The implication, of course, is that my priorities will take a back seat to those of my child or children. That's not wrong. Nearly seven months since becoming a dad, I have happily sacrificed and compromised many other aspects of my life to take better care of my daughter. But I have also strove to maintain my own ambitions and desires, in a way that fits best my new schedule and responsibilities. This podcast is one example. It's suddenly a challenge to conduct podcast interviews from home. During the day I'm typically at work. In the evenings, I try to keep my voice down so my daughter can sleep. As a result I have interviewed fewer guests for my podcast in the last six months, but I have tried to produce new episodes on a semi-consistent basis. The solution? These shorter episodes that double as spoken-word recitations of my r