No Restraints With Rudy Caseres

DJ Jaffe



No Restraints with Rudy Caseres is back! And, boy, did I make an impact on my return or what?! This was easily the hardest interview I've had to do. My guest this week is DJ Jaffe, founder of Mental Illness Policy Org and author of Insane Consequences: How the Mental Health Industry Fails the Mentally Ill. DJ and I disagree on almost everything related to mental health/illness. But I knew that going in. If I was to return then I needed to find a guest that would challenge me and get people talking like they've never before. I was extremely nervous beforehand because I was afraid of letting down my peers and falling into DJ's circular logic debate tactics. Even though we could have gone on for several hours and I could have addressed more viewer comments I'm satisfied with how it turned out. My intention was not to persuade DJ to believe in what I believe in but rather to offer a completely different perspective than my own to my viewers and let them make up their own minds on where they stand on the