Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to make money with the commission machine, it's by far the easiest way to make money online. Hello, today I'm going to be talking about what is a marketing job and talk about the stigma attached to it. What the heck is even marketing? It really is very good communication. It's about being compassianate, caring and helping others get what they desire and need. A marketing job is a communications job, which we can all get better. It's not about twisting people's arms, tricking them or forcing them to buy things they don't need or want. I truly love marketing. I have a family member who absoultely hates anything to do with sales or marketing and I think he looks at it in a different way. A big mistake anyone can make is to think of themselves as a guru, expert or a know it all. Some people that are full of themselves think they don't have to market and it's beneath them. They think people should find them. That is a massive mis