Click on the link below to discover the most valuable skill in making money online! Hello, today I want to talk about what is meant by Entrepreneur and what one is. It seems that being an entrepreneur is the coolest thing right now right? Especially with how crazy the world being an entrepreneur is a good thing. . During my fathers generation he got a nice cushy job and worked there until he got a pension and that was it. During those times there was more job security. Now with the world changing as it is it's almost like you have to catch different waves and riding 1 wave the rest of your life isn't going to cut it. What is meant by being an entrepreneur? I just started reading Lori Greiner's book, she is the lady on Shark Tank who created over 400 products and she explains being an Entrepreneur fairly well. It means there is no one around to tell you what to do and no one to make sure you do it. Some people love this and some people it's