Click on the link below to view the top skill in Internet Marketing! Hello, today I want to talk about the best motto in life and this is not easy, so I chose 5 I really enjoy. There are a a few life motto's that I really like, so I want to share with you them and tell you why I like them so much. The first motto is from Yoda in the Star Wars Original Trilogy. Do you know what the motto is? Do or do not there is not try. The reason I really like this motto is because many people are somewhat into things or somewhat not into things. I like the term half-pregnant to define it. It's either you are going to do it or not. Like build a business or be in a relationship. If you are sort of going to build a business it's probably not going to happen. Same with a relationship when people say it's complicated I look at it as they want to be in a relationship or they don't want to be in one. It also reminds me to go all the way at something. The next motto I