Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to view the most valuable skills to make money online! Hello in this video I'm going to talk about what to do when having a panic attack and how to stop it. When America raced to send the first men into space, they trained the astronauts in one skill more than in any other. What do you think that skill was? It was the art of not panicking. When people panic, they make mistakes. They override systems. They disregard procedures, ignore rules. They deviate from the plan. They become unresponsive and stop thinking clearly. They just react—not to what they need to react to, but to the survival hormones that are coursing through their veins. Panic isn't good especially at 150 miles above Earth in a tiny spaceship. Panic is suicide. So panic has to be trained out with astronauts and even ourselves. And it does not go easily. With astronauts, before the first launch, NASA re-created the fateful day for the astronauts over and over, step