Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below to learn the most important skill in Internet Marketing! Hey today I want to talk about what is meant by success and what that means.. Everyone has a different version of success and taking a step back from your life and discovering on what really motivates you can be very helpful. Tail Lopez who is a very successful entrepreneur has 4 M's that motivate all us. There is materialism, where you want cars, houses, clothes. There is mating and you know what that is. There is mastery and that is when someone goes to school for 10 years and wants to be looked at the guru of their topic, almost like status. Same with leaving a legacy and sports stars. Then there is momentum. If you have ADD and like to get into a lot of things then this could be you, always moving. I just finished reading Ray Dalio's book “Principles” he defines success as getting what you want and that it is up to you to decide what that is. He believes that the th