Kevin Whitsitt



Click on the link below for the most valuable skill to learn when selling a product or service online! Hey in this video I want to share a few investment banking stories that I thought were somewhat funny. The reality is we all mess up, we are all human. When I do mess up, which I do a lot I love it when people say What were you thinking. I wasn't thinking, that is why I messed up. Of course I would rather error on messing up in the short term to gain in the long term. The only person who was completely perfect was like Jesus are something. I heard about this first one, which is about Solomon Brothers from the Book “The Snowball” about Warren Buffet the all time most successful investor. Solomon Brothers was a huge investment firm that not surprisingly went out of business in 2003. It was like the animal house of investment banks. Picture the movie the Wolf of Wall Street, yea that was Solomon Brothers and I'm not sure if they did the midgets being throw