Journal Theory

26: When the Mind becomes harder to Conquer than the Body | Postpartum Depression vs. Spina Bifida with Lauren Dyer



Lauren is a health & wellness coaching specializing in women and mothers who are living life with a disability. Growing up with Spina Bifida, Lauren had spent a significant amount of time in and out of the operating room. At nearly 20 years old a surgery on her spine left her partially paralyzed. After coursing through this new challenge, she met her husband and began to create a family. Two children later, Lauren is helping others overcome their own debilitations. Surgeries, wheelchairs and the pain were undoubtedly a challenge, but nothing was harder and more challenging than dealing with Postpartum Depression after her second child. It was the lowest point in her life which ultimately lead to self-harm. When medication was not enough, a stroll through Barnes & Noble gave her the first tool she needed to begin to heal herself. Read the book that changed her life: “Hot Mess to Mindful Mom” Listen to Lauren’s story on the Full Episode!   Connect with Lauren!   Instagram: @spiritualmeditationmama   Join me on