Journal Theory

22: Self Care. Defining and getting clear on what matters



After interviewing podcast guests for about a month now, there is an overwhelming theme I keep coming across… self-care. During the month of August I found myself in a complete funk. Downright depressed one of the days and it was completely out of the blue, so unlike me, but I could not get myself out of it. What’s the first thing to go when we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Time for ourselves. This is the last thing that should fall to the wayside, yet we let ourselves become a lower priority. We’ve all heard the saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup,” and the message is true. But not only that, you cannot pour at all when there is no cup. When we don’t create a solid foundation of who we are, we are I began to see and hear the message of having NON-negotiables everywhere! From my podcast guests, to the podcasts I was listening to, to my own friends and family. Every sign was leading me to see that I needed to implement this back into my life… now. And hello! I have been preaching morning routine